surplus art

Darbs ved ceļojumā, kurā aicināti itin visi un kurā nekas un, labāk, neviens nav lieks, ja vien pats to nevēlas. Ceļojumā nevis tālu prom, bet tepat ap stūri, taču katru reizi kā pirmoreiz. Instalācija tapa uz vietas no citu mākslinieku atstātajiem “atkritumiem”. "liekā māksla" kopā ar Klāvu Upacieri. Survial Kit 6 festivāls, Vāgnera zāle, Rīga, 2014

The work leads us on a journey where absolutely everyone is invited, where nothing, and, even better, no one is unwanted, unless willing to remain so. On a journey not far away, but just around the corner, although each time it is as though for the first time. The installation is created on-site from the “scraps” left by other atists. "surplus art"made together with Klāvs Upaciers at Survival Kit 6 Art Festival in Rīga. 2014